2D Platformer Work-In-Progress: Part 4

Continuing working on the Unity course “Desarrollo de Videojuegos en Unity: Una Introducción”, I have made some changes to the demo:

  • Added splash screen
  • Added Start screen
  • Complete rework of first scene
  • Added moving platforms

After playing the demo, please consider answering the following questionnaire (6 questions): GS Questionnaire.


Move: Left and Right Arrow Keys

Run: R Key (leave pressed)

Jump: Space Bar

Attack: A Key

There are a couple of things I would still like to integrate before completing this demo, but I would like to know what do you think so far.

If you missed my previous posts, you can find them here:

Unity version: 2018.4.17f1

Lessons learned:

  • Unity Analytics
  • Tilemaps
  • Cinemachine





Sound effects:

Visual effects:

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